KQ MiniSynth – Miscellaneous modules
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I/O Panel
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This is a fixed panel for Input/Output.
Connectors / Parameters
Change Volume.
Change Pan position.
64 — Center.
Portamento Time
Change time during gliding notes.
0 — Do not glide.
100 — 1 seconds.
127 — 20 seconds.
RESET button
Reset all controllers.
MONO button
Toggle Monophonic and Polyphonic.
GLIDE button
Enable always gliding.
This outputs the strength with which you press a key.
The range is -1 ~ 1:
0 ~ 1 if keys are pressed, -1 if not.
This outputs the pitch of the key.
This outputs the value of the modulation wheel.
The range is -1 ~ 1.
This outputs the state of the button “START”/”STOP”.
Set how fast it beats.
Also you can set Tempo with tapping the button “TAP”.
Speaker Output
The synthesizer outputs this input as sound.
PANIC button
Silence if in panic.
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Custom Controller
Output MIDI Controller Value.
Use this module if you control the Synth with MIDI signal.
Also it is able to change the value.
Ctrl No
MIDI Control Number.
LSB controllers are valid though those are not selectable.
A value of the controller.
FINE button
If enabled, the value range is 0 ~ 127.
If disabled, the range is -8192 ~ 8191.
Value Out
Output the value.
This outputs -1.0 if the fine value is -8192,
0 if the value is 0,
1.0 if the value is 8191, or so on.
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Const Value
This outputs a constant value.
Connectors / Parameters
KQ MiniSynth – All modules
Oscilloscope (Version 3.0)
This module displays the input.
Connectors / Parameters
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Dummy Panel
This is a blank panel.
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